Supernatural quotes
Supernatural quotes

supernatural quotes

“Rebel a little bit… in a healthy, non-satanic way.”.

supernatural quotes

“There’s a lot of folklore about mirrors - that they reveal all your lies, all your secrets, that they’re a true reflection of your soul, which is why it’s bad luck to break them.”.“Guess that’s why we all hold onto life so hard… even the dead.So when they die, their spirits are just as dark.” “You’re changing the world, and I want to be a part of it.”.And now you go and do the same thing… to me. How did you feel when Dad sold his soul for you? ‘Cause I was there. And I’m ready to watch people I love die. So, if we’re gonna see this through, we’re gonna do it together.”

supernatural quotes supernatural quotes

Dean, they basically just outlawed 90 percent of your personality.” “No drinking, no gambling, no premarital sex.“The internet is more than just naked people.Dean, when this is all over, you’re gonna have to let me go my own way.” “I’m not gonna live this life forever.Other people just stop looking for them.” “If you know evil’s out there, how can you not believe good’s out there too?”.“Dude, you were hallucinating sheep on the road.”.But things will never be the way they were before.” “You mind doing a little bit of thinking with your upstairs brain, Dean?”.“Getting my ass kicked by those Juggalos was therapeutic.”.Maybe there are some human hearts behind the Häagen-Dazs or something.” I’m a whole new level of freak! And I’m just trying to take this - this curse… and make something good out of it. This disease is pumping through my veins, and I can’t ever rip it out or scrub it clean. Need more spookiness and scares in your life? Check out our scary facts, scary games, short scary stories, and more. Because let’s be real, there’s no way to cover ’em all. This giant list of Supernatural quotes contains a fraction of our favorites from Sam, Dean, and Castiel. Which brings us back around to the 15 seasons worth of seriously great lines. TBH, now that it’s over, we’re not exactly sure what to do with ourselves. It’s lovely to watch and feel vaguely a part of. Sammy and Dean are wildly different but bonded in a way only brothers can be bonded. evil, it’s just all the typical humanity stuff. From brotherly love to enduring friendship to good vs. And that’s barely scraping the surface of the series! Since it ran for an impressive 15 seasons and 327 episodes, there are countless plot twists and - yep - epic Supernatural quotes that could keep your brain turning for days.Īnother thing to love about the show? It follows some pretty universal themes. Also, Dean’s cool AF car is basically a main character, too. Cas comes into the picture a little while later and, oh yeah, he’s not human. No crying about spoilers.) The brothers follow in their dad’s footsteps, hunting, stopping, and killing supernatural beings on a quest to find their dad… and solve the mystery of their mother’s strange death. And their mom? She died pretty horrifically. To begin with, Sam is actually Dean’s little brother. And Cas is my best friend.” Of course, it’s a little more complicated than that.

#Supernatural quotes tv

Nearly everything you need to know about the TV show Supernatural, you can learn from this one quote from Dean: “My name is Dean Winchester.

Supernatural quotes